We rather associate photography with the eyes (“ojos” in Spanish) than the mouth (“boca”). But if photography is defined by the entry of light into the lens, it is just as expressive as receptive. Photography is not a passive art for lazy people who would be satisfied with taking what the optics give them.
From my perspective, photography is above all a language that makes our eyes speak and vice-versa. Its reading does not require any dictionary, hence its universal character. I myself have always lived in a multicultural environment and I have always refused to be put inside a drawer. Just as I speak several languages, I feel at home in different places. Photography is perhaps the key that opens the doors to my various homes.
Like a kaleidoscope, the photographic sensor does not always allow me to see clearly, but at least it gives me a range of meanings to filter through under different daylights. The change of focus brings me down to earth, just as intuition has proven to be my best tripod. Behind the viewfinder a wiper eye is active, scrutinizing every detail like a newborn. Just a new diopter seems to redraw the sky and reinvent the world.
I amuse myself by zooming out of the Euro-centric navel gaze to lift the blinders and extend my focus. As the 180 degrees panoramic vision does not satisfy me, I twist my bust, bend, turn, arch and... end up dancing. To me, photography is a lyrical flight.
Lara Bommers Karet. Laboka.
For any comments, orders or questions, contact me: info@laboka.org